Hiding pages or deleting topics are two administrative functions you may wish to perform, and thankfully, the Notebook provides a way to accomplish this.

Hidden Pages

A hidden page is one that only administrators can view. Its content cannot be viewed by any other viewer. Furthermore, only administrators are able to navigate to hidden pages using the side bar. Hiding pages allows you as the site owner to control viewing permissions within the notebook.

If you are the administrator and cannot see hidden pages, then you have not created an Admin CSS Page. You can see how to do this under the User Guide.

An example of a hidden section can be seen on the notebook root page. If you are an administrator, then you will see three options; otherwise you see two. The hidden page is the Notebook Management page; even if you are not an administrator and click on the link, the page's content will be hidden.

To hide a page, open the Admin Panel in the side bar. There, under Page Options, you can click on a link that says "Hide", and this will tag the page as hidden. You can always unhide a page by going to the same place in the Admin Panel and clicking "Unhide".

To increase the security of your hidden pages, it is better to instead utilize private categories.

Deleted Pages

Deleting a page hides the page's content from all viewers, including administrators. Navigation links via the side bar are also hidden entirely.

To delete a page, go to the Admin Panel in the side bar. There, under Page Options, you can click on a link that says "Delete", and this will delete the page. By technicality, the page still exists, though its content cannot be viewed; however, since the page is indeed still there, you can undelete it at any time by going to the same place in the Admin Panel and clicking "Undelete".

You may always completely delete pages using Wikidot's in-built delete function. Simply go to the page options on the bottom of the page, click "+ Options", and find the Delete option.